Reptiles and amphibians
The habitats of the Solway Coast National Landscape are a haven for some reptiles and amphibians. There is one stand-out example of a rare species
Plants, flowers and fungi
There are so many different environments along the Solway Coast National Landscape that it means a vast array of plants can grow here. From the
Marine and seashore
The sand and mud of the Solway Coast National Landscape hides a fantastic array of plants and animals that can easily be overlooked. Under the
It’s fair to say that the bird population is the first wildlife you’ll spot on a visit to the Solway Coast National Landscape. Our mammals
Insects and invertebrates
It’s the diverse habitats of the Solway Coast National Landscape which make this such a great place to discover insects and invertebrates. One additional factor
Not a moment goes by when you can’t spot at least one species of bird as you explore the Solway Coast National Landscape. The Solway
From the depths of the sea, to the skies above, the area along the shoreline and the inland pastures, the Solway Coast National Landscape has some amazing wildlife to discover.
There are rare amphibians, insects and invertebrates, birds which choose to come here out of only two locations in the world, mammals on shore and in the sea, and ever-changing population which is driven by the tides and the seasons.
That wildlife lives and breeds in the dunes and on the saltmarshes, in the mires and through the hedgerows. The Solway Coast is home to a fascinating mix of some familiar species – and some which are a little more unusual.